Plotsquared Commands List

PlotMe: A Minecraft Plot Management Plugin. Notes Command Subcommand Argument Description Permission Permissions Group /plotme (/plot,/p): claim. A listing of all the commands avaliable with the essentials plugin. Under usage, items enclosed in are required while items in and are optional. The group permission column lists the minimum necessary permission to use the command (or certain aspects of the command).

[ Chat: #IntellectualCrafters Source: GitHub Builds: Jenkins ]
PlotSquared authors: Citymonstret, Empire92, MBon29
Fork: Empire92 (That's me!)
Donate: Paypal​


SQL drivers:

Creating a world:

Define the generator in the
Or the nukkit.yml:
You can configure generator by going to /plugins/PlotSquared/config/worlds.yml

Plotsquared Commands List Command

- Delete the `<world>/region` to regenerate the world
For augmented generation see:
Permissions: Commands List
- If the perm packs don't work, just add the exact perms
Add roads to your world...
  • Roads can be conveniently added to new or existing worlds
  • Supports larger plot sizes than pure schematic generation
  • (here's the template below /plot template import <world> bridge)

CommandsIn built plot downloading (no setup required)...
  • Just use /plot download
  • Cross server '/plot save', '/plot load' and '/plot schematic paste url:<value>'

Plot merging...
  • Use commands or enable auto merging
  • Merge plots and build with friends

Plotsquared Commands List Roblox

Combine generators; with or without roads...

Plots can be anywhere...

  • Plot clusters can go anywhere, and can simply be invisible boundaries if you want.

Plotsquared Commands List Minecraft


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hi! Create recently switched from PlotMe to PlotSquared which gives players some useful features listed below. I'm only posting NEW commands as most PlotMe commands overlap with PlotSquared.
PlotSquared Player Commands:

Plotsquared Commands List

  • /plot info - Brings up new categories such as Members, Trusted, and Flags.
  • /plot add <player> - Makes them a Member which enables them to break/place blocks while the Owner is online.
  • /plot trust <player> - Makes them Trusted on your plot and enables WorldEdit usage for them on your plot.
  • /plot list mine - Shows a list of your owned plots in all Plot Worlds.
  • /plot list shared - Shows a list of your shared plots with other players.
  • *** If you hover over the orange Plot [#] in the list on Chat after you do /plot list mine or shared, then you'd be able to click on it and get automatically teleported to that plot. ***
  • /plot visit <player> - Enables you to visit a certain player's plot (I might take this one out)
  • /plot chat - Enables a player to only talk in the plot that they're in. Repeat the command to get back to Global Chat.
  • /plot toggle title - This turns off Titles from popping up when you travel over a Plot. ((Buggy!))
  • /plot comment - A Plot Comment system to leave messages on a player's plot.
  • /plot inbox - See if anyone has left a comment.
  • /plot flag set weather <rain/clear> - Sets the weather in the plot that you own.
  • /plot flag set time <0 - 23000> - Sets the time specifically to the plot that you own.
  • /plot set alias <name> - Gives an Alias to your plot - You see this alias when you /plot list mine.

Plotsquared Commands List Discord

If you have any issues regarding PlotSquared then please post them here! Other issues can be posted in a new thread!