Plots Zweten


The Wolfram Language offers extensive support for plotting all kinds of data in many different ways.

Consider the following data to be plotted (stored as sdata):

Plot definition is - a small area of planted ground. How to use plot in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of plot. Echte tekentalenten kwamen plots boven drijven, ook kinderen die voordien altijd zeiden dat ze kunnen tekenen. 💪 We eindigden met godsdienst en zedenleer.Vrijdag had Enya een mooie koffer vol loombandjes mee en deze wou ze graag aan onze klas tonen. Ook Lucy had een grote zak mee vol boeken. Lester Dent’s Plot Formula. This was the first plot formula I ever came across. It was a huge revelation for me that novels (or stories) could be written by numbers, and that doing so could provide the writer with a simple framework for checking pacing and action, among other things. See full list on

Klantendienst Hoe kunnen we je helpen? Vind je antwoord op categorie. Bestellingen en levering; Retourneren en ruilen.

Use ListPlot to plot sdata:

Plot sdata by filling to the axis:

Specify a color and increase the size of the data points:

Use ListLinePlot to plot sdata with a connecting line:

Create another set of data to plot (stored as cdata):

Plot sdata and cdata together:

Use ListPolarPlot to plot cdata as points at polar coordinates:

Plots Zweten S Nachts

Define another dataset to plot (stored as data):

The dataset has 31 sublists:

Plots Zweten Oksels

Plot only specific parts of data:

Connect these points with lines:

Generate a 3D scatter plot of points with an array of height values for data using ListPointPlot3D:

Use ListPlot3D to plot data as a surface:

Use ListDensityPlot to generate a density plot from the height values of data:

Plots Zweten En Misselijk

Use ListContourPlot to generate a contour plot instead:

This constructs a Demonstration of data plotting:

