Quotes Vladimir Lenin

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Vladimir Lenin Quotes. But every little difference may become a big one if it is insisted on. We must hate - hatred is the basis of communism. Children must be taught.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, 1870-1924 , Soviet revolutionary & leader
Russian revolutionary, founder of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), inspirer and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917), and the architect, builder, and first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state.
He was the founder of the organization known as Comintern (Communist International) and the posthumous source of Leninism, the doctrine codified and conjoined with Marx’s works by Lenin’s successors to form “Marxism-Leninism”.
  1. ― VLADIMIR LENIN. “Crime is a product of social excess.” ― VLADIMIR LENIN. “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them in parliament.” ― VLADIMIR LENIN. More Vladimir Lenin Quotes Below: 18.
  2. Vladimir Lenin 'When we are victorious on a world scale I think we shall use gold for the purpose of building public lavatories in the streets of some of the largest cities of the world'.

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The goal of Socialism is Communism.
There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.
Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.
While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State.
Germany will militarize herself out of existence, England will expand herself out of existence, and America will spend herself out of existence.
Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.
You probe with bayonets: if you find mush, you push. If you find steel, you withdraw.
Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism.
Trust is good, but control is better.
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
We will hang the capitalists with the rope that they sell us.
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.
You must have your heart on fire and your brain on ice.
Communism is Soviet government plus the electrification of the whole country.
It is in prison … that one becomes a real revolutionary.
I can't listen to music too often. It affects your nerves, makes you want to say stupid, nice things, and stroke the heads of people who could create such beauty while living in this vile hell.
By destroying small-scale production, capital leads to an increase in productivity of labor and to the creation of a monopoly position for the associations of big capitalists.
It is, of course, much easier to shout, abuse, and howl than to attempt to relate, to explain.
Disarmament is the ideal of socialism. There will be no wars in socialist society.
When violence is exercised by the working people, by the mass of exploited against the exploiters — then we are for it!
One cannot live in society and be free from society.
Without Revolutionary theory, there can be no Revolutionary Movement.
Fascism is capitalism in decay.
Free speech is a bourgeois prejudice.
You cannot make a revolution in white gloves.
A newspaper is not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, it is also a collective organiser.
Political institutions are a superstructure on the economic foundation.
International unity of the workers is more important than the national.
Hang (hang without fail, so the people see) no fewer than one hundred known kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers.
It is true that liberty is precious — so precious that it must be rationed.
Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle.
Honesty in politics is the result of strength; hypocrisy is the result of weakness.
But every little difference may become a big one if it is insisted on.
Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in the ancient Greek republics: freedom for the slave-owners.
Every cook must learn to rule the State.
Capital, created by the labor of the worker, crushes the worker, ruining small proprietors and creating an army of unemployed.
When feudalism was overthrown and “free” capitalist society appeared in the world, it became apparent that this freedom meant a new system of oppression and exploitation of the working people.
The so-called Great Powers have long been exploiting and enslaving a whole number of small and weak nations. And the imperialist war is a war for the division and redivision of this kind of booty.
Democracy for an insignificant minority, democracy for the rich — that is the democracy of capitalist society.

Personal Stories

I know of nothing better than the Appassionata and could listen to it every day.

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Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Vladimir Lenin

Federal Switzerlandization would be a huge step backwards for Germany. Two
Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
One quick way to destroy a society is through its music.
History causes the military problem to become the essence of the political problem.
No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself.
Fascism is capitalism in decay.
The war is relentless: it puts the alternative in a ruthless relief.
The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.
You probe with bayonets: if you find mush, you push. If you find steel, you withdraw
Hang (hang without fail, so the people see) no fewer than one hundred known kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers.
It is impossible to predict the time and progress of revolution. It is governed by its own more or less mysterious laws.
Political institutions are a superstructure resting on an economic foundation.
Victory will belong only to those who have faith in the people, those who are immersed in the life-giving spring of popular creativity.
For the complete extinction of the state, complete Communism is necessary.
People always have been and they always will be stupid victims of deceit and self-deception in politics.
Soviet power is a new type of state in which there is no bureacracy, no police, no standing army.
Show me who your friends are, and I will tell you what you are.
Politics is the most concentrated expression of economics.
The only one who doesn't make mistakes is the one who doesn't do anything.
Act with the greatest determination and on the offensive. The defensive is the death of every armed rising.
The most important thing when ill is to never lose heart.
Russians are too kind, they lack the ability to apply determined methods of revolutionary terror.
Only an armed people can be the real bulwark of popular liberty.
Freedom of speech and the press must be complete. But then freedom of association must be complete too.
The government is tottering. We must deal it the death blow an any cost. To delay action is the same as death.
It is necessary - secretly and urgently to prepare the terror.
It would be the greatest mistake, certainly, to think that concessions mean peace. Nothing of the kind. Concessions are nothing but a new form of war.
You cannot do anything without rousing the masses to action.
All extremes are bad. All that is good and useful, if carried to extremes, may become-and beyond a certain limit is bound to become-bad and injurious.
In the end, one or the other will triumph - a funeral dirge will be sung over the Soviet republic or over world capitalism.
Everyone is free to write and say whatever he likes, without any restrictions.
Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement.
We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle.
International unity of the workers is more important than the national.
For the first time the peasant has seen real freedom - freedom to eat his bread, freedom from starvation.
Those who are opposed to armed uprising ... must be ruthlessly kicked out as enemies, traitors and cowards.
The bourgeoisie incites the workers of one nation against those of another in the endeavor to keep them disunited.
The working class must break up, smash the 'ready-made state machinery,' and not confine itself merely to laying hold of it.
No amount of political freedom will satisfy the hungry masses.
The entire trend of development is towards abolition of coercive domination of one part of society over another.
Human thought by its nature is capable of giving, and does give, absolute truth, which is compounded of a sum-total of relative truths.
Unity must be won, and only the workers, the class-conscious workers themselves can win it - by stubborn and persistent effort.
War cannot be abolished unless classes are abolished.
You must have your heart on fire and your brain on ice.
I don't care what becomes of Russia. To hell with it. All this is only the road to a World Revolution.
Learning is never done without errors and defeat.
We need the real, nation-wide terror which reinvigorates the country and through which the Great French Revolution achieved glory.
I am a bad, wicked man, but I am practicing moral self-purification; I don't eat meat any more, I now eat rice cutlets.

Vladimir Lenin Quotes About Revolution

No Marxist can deny that the interests of socialism are higher than the interests of the right of nations to self-determination.
There can be nothing more abominable than religion.

Vladimir Lenin Quotes In Tamil

For any truth, if overdone ... if exaggerated, or if carried beyond the limits of its applicability, can be reduced to absurdity.
Three keys to success: read, read, read.

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