De Casibus Tragedy

This month we feature a de-luxe illuminated manuscript copy of the De Casibus Virorum Illustrium by Boccaccio. It is a compilation of moral stories about the tragic ends of famous men and women. This is a copy of a version rendered into French by Laurence de Premierfait in the 15th century. Tragedy: What does the film call Middle Ages tragedies and how does it define them? What is De Casibus Virorum Illustrium? Narrative story form 2. The fall of the main character 3. Taught through a moral lesson: What are the characteristics of a De Casibus tragedy? Explain the wheel of fortune.

1. Why do you think Shakespeare is so popular? If Shakespeare lived today, how do you think our society would respond to him?

2. What do you think Shakespeare's greatest tragedy is? Why?

De Casibus Tragedy

3. How do you think Shakespeare viewed human nature? Do you think he was pessimistic, optimistic, or something else entirely?

De Casibus Tragedy

4. Why do you think many people consider Shakespeare's greatest works his tragedies? Is there something about tragedies that makes them superior to other genres, like comedies?

De casibus tragedy definition

5. The first line in Hamlet is from the sentinel, Barnardo: 'Who's there?' How does this line help set the tone for the play?

6. When studying plays, Shakespearean scholars usually direct themselves to one place-the text. But theatrical companies, when mounting a production, feel free to cut lines, characters, or even set the play in a different time or place. Which approach do you think is more true to Shakespeare's plays?


7. If Shakespeare was around today, what medium do you think he'd be working in? Theater? Film? Television? Interpretive Dance? Do you think he'd have a website? If yes, what would it look like?

TragedyDe casibus tragedy

8. Is a Shakespeare play better read or seen performed on stage? Are there advantages to being able to read it at your own pace? Are there advantages to seeing actors interpret the characters? Are there any disadvantages to either way of experiencing these plays? What Shakespeare play would you most like to see performed in person?

9. Early in his life, Shakespeare left Stratford-on-Avon and made his way to London, where he wrote his plays. Do you think we would have ever heard from him had he never left Stratford? If Shakespeare had never written a play, do you think his genius would have expressed itself in other ways?

De Casibus Tragedy

10. When Shakespeare wrote his plays, women were not allowed to act on stage, but during much of this time a woman, Queen Elizabeth, was ruler of England. Do you find this to be a paradox? Do you see any parallels of this situation in our own day and time?